Okay folks,
It looks like I won't be teaching Figure Drawing this semester after all. As chair, I really am a piece a furniture to be moved around as needed (haha!) Due to some issues beyond my control, I must take over a number of Art Appreciation courses. I am disappointed, as Figure Drawing is by far my favorite class to teach. However, I have assigned a fabulous instructor in Ed Burnam, and I plan to sneak in draw with you guys whenever I can. I am planning to continue posting on this site....I want to create a resource for students, so if there are topics you want covered, shoot me an email to carol@carolynwhitman.com or carol.whitman@cpcc.edu . You don't have to be one of my students, all questions from all interested folks are welcome.
Additionally, I will be organizing an open Figure Drawing studio on Fridays. This will be available to any student enrolled in ART or AAC courses at CPCC. I will post more info in the next couple of weeks. If there is enough interest in the community outside CPCC students, I will consider organizing a open session and taking on private students.
PS: the image above is from my first figure drawing class as a student more than 20 years ago! I feel old today.....
It looks like I won't be teaching Figure Drawing this semester after all. As chair, I really am a piece a furniture to be moved around as needed (haha!) Due to some issues beyond my control, I must take over a number of Art Appreciation courses. I am disappointed, as Figure Drawing is by far my favorite class to teach. However, I have assigned a fabulous instructor in Ed Burnam, and I plan to sneak in draw with you guys whenever I can. I am planning to continue posting on this site....I want to create a resource for students, so if there are topics you want covered, shoot me an email to carol@carolynwhitman.com or carol.whitman@cpcc.edu . You don't have to be one of my students, all questions from all interested folks are welcome.
Additionally, I will be organizing an open Figure Drawing studio on Fridays. This will be available to any student enrolled in ART or AAC courses at CPCC. I will post more info in the next couple of weeks. If there is enough interest in the community outside CPCC students, I will consider organizing a open session and taking on private students.
PS: the image above is from my first figure drawing class as a student more than 20 years ago! I feel old today.....