Thursday, August 28, 2008

ART 131 Homework; due Tues. Sept. 2

In your sketchbook, create at least 10 thumbnail size drawings of the subject matter of your choice. These should be done in black ink---you can use an ink pen. Look for interesting figure ground relationships in your subjects. The drawings should be solid black and white.

Positive space: the active shapes in a composition; also known as "figure"
Negative space: the inactive shapes in a composition; also known as "ground"
*Always be conscious of the figure/ground relationship!

On Tuesday, we will begin working on line. You'll need vine charcoal, paper, pencils, eraser and ink pens.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

ART 131 Homework due 8/26/08

Homework Assignment: Create a reductive drawing in the same manner as the classroom assignment from Thursday, 8/21. Use charcoal, chamois, and erasers and proceed in the same manner as Thursdays assignment. Choice of subject matter is up to you. Use 18x24 drawing paper. Post on the bulletin board at the beginning of class

Sketchbook Assignment: Brainstorm a list of at least twenty different kinds of artworks you'd like to create. Additionally, write a brief statement (in your sketchbook) about your goals for this class.