Thursday, December 4, 2008

Drawing I / Final Critique Thursday Dec. 11, 11am--1:30pm

Please note: Final Crit starts at 11am.

Please bring 6 drawings. One must be your final project.
Choose from the following list:

gesture line drawing
contour line drawing
value study
positive-negative drawing
photo reference project
hallway drawing
perspective drawing
trompe l'oeil drawing
drawing you consider your best from this semester

Bring money to order Chinese, or bring your lunch. I will bring a dessert treat for you :-)

Figure Drawing, Fall 08 Final Class!

Hi Folks,

Friday, Dec. 5 is the final class for Figure Drawing, Fall 08. Here's the agenda:

9:30--11:30 Last drawing session (Greta is scheduled to model)
11:30--till 2: Pot luck lunch and group critique

Bring a contribution to the pot luck (I will provide Italian beef sandwiches and some killer banana puddin') and the following drawings:

  1. Your outside project (self portrait conversation with a well known person)
  2. An early drawing---for comparison
  3. An example of line (can be gesture, contour, etc.)
  4. An example of a value study
  5. A portrait
  6. The drawing you feel is the most successful of the semester (could be one of the previous)

I have some of your drawings and will return them to you Friday. I look forward to it.
