Saturday, May 3, 2008

Drawing I Portfolio Requirements

You must bring 8 of the following drawings to the Portfolio Review:

All of these should have been done in class or as homework.
  • tonal study (such as the first day exercise)
  • an example of a gesture drawing
  • an example of ink wash
  • an example of negative space
  • an example of contour line
  • the homework contour drawing of veggies
  • Exposing Scarlet project
  • an example of cross contour
  • an example of a value study
  • an example of one-point perspective
  • an example of two-point perspective
  • an example of a still life with an ellipse in it
  • a portrait drawing

  • We will only have time for short critiques, so only bring the eight best examples from the list above.

  • Also, I will provide you with lunch on Monday (and maybe even some cookies :-)

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